Hello !

Heeheee i'm excited again cuz i ordered another lens from Eyecandy Lens called;
can't wait till 2 weeks!
want it noow

this is how the lens looks like~
And how it looks on a person, lol 

The great thing about this lens for me is that its 15 mm and that it will still give me a more naturel yet big eyed look, hehe.
And it has a cute flower pattern in it, that you probably only see in bright light xD but i will be finding that out soon 

Well i've decided i want 15 mm lenses only cuz i'm used to have big eyes now, xD
maybe someday 14 mm's, just to try out the difference 

but for noooow, yah i like 'em big, huhu 

Aniwaays on to my random dayy, the sun finally came out again!

and i wen't to my Nicku's place to have some sunburning hurdur.

It was really hot! (especially with a vest and jacket on lol.
didnt expect the sun to show up..)

anihoo, i went to the store to buy some cute nail stuff and a off-priced eyeshadow base from Essence.

Nick also fed some chickens when we were on our way lol.

Wooopie this was my random day xD
hope you all have a nice and sunny day as well

until next post~

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