[WARNING photoheavy

Oh hai there!

Soo i have been gone for a few days cuz i have been sleeping
over at my lovely Nicku's place 

Soo we had a lot of fun this weekend cuz we wen't to the zoo! called Burger's Zoo

with Nick's parents~ We had a real blast and i made a lot of pictures!

Unfortuantly the weather wasn't that great or horrible so we had no sun all day ^^"
But it didn't matter cuz we had a lot of fun 

I also bought a few things on friday and a new outfit but i haven't made pics of the outfit yet, so
that will come soon

Soo enjoy tha pictures 

[pictures made with camera and phone, you can see the quality difference lol


Soo i will post the rest of tha pics tomorrow

soo till then, have a nicee day everybodyy


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