Hello y'all!

sorry for the late update
, i was really tired to upload all the pics i made these past days

soo i finally did that today huhu

aniwaays this weekend has been really interestingfor me xD many things has happened,
funny yet sad things too, i will write a little story by a few pair of pics what happened, so you wont have to read a bunch of text here

lets get started shall we? enjoy the edited and non-edited pics


As you can see here a friend of mine named Maaike made some coool and cute sketches drawn by her own hand~ woohoo

the link of her deviantart is in her name huhu

Right after school ended ,i had a short date with my cutiepiee

and couldnt leavee me alonee haha~ we had so much fun that day, still can't believe after
so long being together our love still grows for each other everytime we see each other again~

he's my true love


Well obviously my outfit and look of the day, YES i have curls in my hair, i braided them the night before and VOILA, volume has made it into my hair.

omnomnommmss <3
A large p*nis hotdog?


yays one my newest buys

Sooo i wen't with Nick, his parents and his grandma to a BIG-

aniways another funny story


Using my neww colourpalett, my look that day ~

Hello thar cutienoms

The GLARE with a cookie ~
Soo this was the saddest day of the weekend.. as you can see we found this bird
across the road while we were walking the dog. It couldn't fly, walk and it was just crawling across the road trying to flap its wings.. I was convincing Nick to bring him home and trying to call the animal-ambulance so they could rescure him.. but unfortunately we couldnt do anything

Sooo... the only solution was to put the bird out of his misery..

the last picture you see here are one of the last moments before his 'exectution'.. He was beheaded very fast so he couldnt feel anything, i am really glad that i wasnt there at that moment, cuz i couldnt handle it to watch the whole thing happen..

I know this was for the best, cuz he couldnt have made the night if we didnt do anything about it..
R.I.P Nuif nuif you were a very nice bird.

i wish we could've saved you so you could fly again in peace, but now you're in heaven or somewhere else where you can spread your wings again ~ (hopefully with your head)

Sooo this was my weekend and i hope i didnt bore anyone with this post i will post more tomorrow cuz we had a photoshoot today!

wishing everybody a nice and savee dayy <33

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