Hellooo people

Sooo i actually wanted to show you guys my new hair yesterday but,
photoshop crashed immediately after i was done with all my adventure pics i uploaded..

Soo i could finally edit and upload them today xD woohoo

Soo i wanted to dye the top layers of my hair in a ginger/orange colour but it turned out LIGHT BROWN
(goddamn cheap-ass product = =) Soo there wasn't much of a difference in the first place
But i also bleached the bottom layers of my hair and a bit of my fringe so it looked a bit different then before xD. Aniwaays i think the result is okay and i might dye my hair in the future for more Gyaru hair colour, hehe.

Make-up of today ~ 

Soo what do you think?

I hope you liked my short and boring post for today x3 

seee ya'll next time~ 


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