Hey guys!

Long time no see i know.. i have been busy with school alot.

And well i can show you some stuff i made lately!

The first picture(above) was my school project picture for the second period of this year. Well i was pretty happy with it but the presentation of it didn't went so well..

So i got a lower grade then i should have.. But at least it's still good enough for passing this project..

All my other pictures are from the past few months.

Some recent and some old are mixed.
I will probably update some more of this stuff. If it's already shown in school already.
So stay tuned for more!

Assignment Photography.
Had to make a difference between backgrounds. (blurry and sharp)

Photography assignment:
Maffia series.

Editing assignment:
Creating a surreal background

before and after ~
Photography assignment:
Coca Cola business look.

Photography assignment:
Creating a story out of 8 pictures.

VMG assignment:
Creating a story out of 5 pictures, subject: Up and down.

Free time editing:
Coloring black and white pictures.

Christmas pictures.

Well i hoped you guys liked my pictures.

I'm still trying and learning every day to become more pro.. It's my dream! haha.

Aniwayss i will try to update more this week, since i have too many lenses to post.. ugh

have a nice week everyone!


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