Harro people!

Okay this is my second review for the night

This time its the GEO - CH623 Nudy Green pair. Also sponsored by the major lovely Uniqso!

Well as you can def see.. i have brown hair!

a new wig to be exact, because you already saw me with my other slightly different brown wig

Aniways this one was quite cheap and i thought, why not buy it for school?

But it also comes in handy for reviews ofcourse, like this one lol.

Hehe hope you guys like it ~

GEO - CH623 Nudy Green review ~
♥ Brand: GEO ♥
♥ Origin: South Korea ♥
♥ Water content: 38% ♥
♥ Diameter: 14.8mm ♥
♥ Base curve: 8.6mm ♥
♥ Duration: 1 year disposable ♥

Natural light.

With flash.

I really like how light this green colour is in my eyes.
The glow here is also showing more then the blue ones tho 

And it also blends very well with my brown eyes

Comfort: ♥♥♥♥[♥♥♥♥♥]
same as the others. Have to use eydrops and take them out after 5-6 hours or so.

Enlargement: ♥♥♥♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
Still dolly and big for 14.8mm! cuz its close enough to 15mm ~

Overall: ♥♥♥♥
I really like how natural these are, so you can use them anytime for a natural and dolly look ~

Interested? get them HERE!

Well i think this was my last review for this week

i'm sorry guys i worked all night long and only got to finish 2 of them

its 5.01 am now LOL i need to sleep, since i'm going on vacation tomorrow

(and lol first time to see the sun come up as well xDD)
Aniways thanks for reading guys,
and be prepared for the next one !


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