Hello hello ~

So here is finally my post about my vacation with Nick from last week ago!

This is part one, cuz there a hella lot pictures that i took and still busy editing, so enjoy part one, with at least 60 pictures! 

So we actually went to the place Village les Gottales high up in the mountains at Mont St. Jacques. That lies in Trois Ponts in the beautiful Belgium.
We stayed there from the 2nd of July till the 6th.
So 4 nights and 5 days ~

We stayed there from the 2nd of July till the 6th.
So 4 nights and 5 days ~
We took the car and it was a 3 hour roadtrip, wich was very hot and suffocating, cuz it was at least 30 degrees out side..

The first moment that we reached the mountains, i was so stunned how beautiful it was.

I've never been to the Ardennen before.. not even near mountains, so i was really shocked how beautiful and peacefull it looked!

Since i also have a thing with landscapes and all.. this was the perfect vacation for me hahaha.

Aniways we arrived there at 15.30 pm, cuz we had to be there at least at 15 pm so we could check in the house and stuff.
And right after we dropped our stuff, we went on a exploring adventure right away!
We were so lucky that we had such a great and warm weather that whole week. So we could walk every day ~

Our "home" village ~ its so small!

Play garden ~

Our dream vacation house ..

Entrance to a mysterious forest ~

Our vacation house!

Oops, dont mind the mess.

Into the forest! ~

Hail to the wonderful GPS that leads us the way back and forth to our journey ~

OMFG.. that view!

I miss it soooo much here...

Hello Horsey!

Our companion that day hehe.

HAHAHA perfect snapshot.

Nearby restaurant.

Hello horsies! prt 2.

Just a gorgeous view

And our walking journey began ~

Oh hi cows!

They aree sooo cuteee and curious, they stared at us the whole time hahaha!

Ending it with another gorgeous view, stay tuned for more pica's!


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