Hello thar! 

Yes i know i'm late again, i should stop making fake promises already = =..
aniway these few days i was busy with my sponsored reviews for the Natural 3 Tones, so here they are!
another post with 3 reviews 

i'm almost done, i only have one pair of lenses (greens) to review and after that the series are complete. 

lets start again 

Dolly Eye - Natural 3 Tones Grey
normal light ~
with flash ~
without and with lenses ~
♥ Brand: Dolly Eye ♥
♥ Origin: South Korea ♥
♥ Water content: 42% ♥
♥ Diameter: 14mm ♥
♥ Base curve: 8.6mm ♥
♥ Duration: 1 year disposable ♥
I love how natural the grey colour looks like on my eyes. These are not too dark for noticing in daylight and they also look very natural.
Comfort: ♥♥♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
Same as the violet ones, very comfy, can't feel a thing till 5hours or so come by ~
so perfect for long daily wear.
Enlargement: ♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
Not so much of an enlargement to me, since these are also the size of my real eyes..
Overall: ♥♥♥
I think that these are great for a natural twist in your eyes since they are believable to look at xD but for me if they were bigger, they would be perfect.. 

Dolly Eye - Natural 3 Tones Brown
normal light ~
with flash ~
without and with lenses ~

♥ Brand: Dolly Eye ♥
♥ Origin: South Korea ♥
♥ Water content: 42% ♥
♥ Diameter: 14mm ♥
♥ Base curve: 8.6mm ♥
♥ Duration: 1 year disposable ♥
These are a really bright brown colour and i like it! I think they really stand out on my eyes, looking very natural as well.
Comfort: ♥♥♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
For some reason they all feel the same lol, no discomfort till 5hours of wearing xD
Enlargement: ♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
None enlargement, same as the others.
Overall: ♥♥♥
Love the colour, would be better if they were bigger ~ but for looking different and natural at the same time, these are perfect.
Interested? BUY HERE ~

Dolly Eye - Natural 3 Tones Pink
normal light ~
with flash ~
with and without lenses ~

♥ Brand: Dolly Eye ♥
♥ Origin: South Korea ♥
♥ Water content: 42% ♥
♥ Diameter: 14mm ♥
♥ Base curve: 8.6mm ♥
♥ Duration: 1 year disposable ♥
I'm really happy that this is also another "funky" eyecolour that i have now. And i'm really impressed how bright this colour looks like! They look more like a brown-pinkish colour to me, but they still stand out very much! wich i very likeee ~
Comfort: ♥♥♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
lol again same as the others xD
Enlargement: ♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
And unfortunately no enlargent. 

Overall: ♥♥♥♥
I might be wearing this if i really want my boring eyes to stand out xD i adoree this colour and this deff fits the natural/bold type ~
Wanna buy these? GO HERE ~

Soo this was my big review post for today, please wait for the last review of these series! 


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