
Excuse me for the quality on some photos, i had crappy light that day so some of them look crunchy :c
aniwooo, i'm reviewing some products that i got from Uniqso last week and i will try to upload 2-3 reviews every day ^.^
Today will also be a 3 in 1 post review and i rather do it this way because there are not many pics taken (becuz of the crappy light ofcourse) and its just easier for me xD
so what will i review today?
-Dolly Eye - Natural 3 Tones Violet lenses
-Etude house - Eyelash 2.11 Under lash
-Etude house - Proof 10 auto pencil 05 Purple

so, lets get started! 

Dolly Eye - Natural 3 tones Violet review
natural light
with flash ~
with and without lenses ~

♥ Brand: Dolly Eye ♥
♥ Origin: South Korea ♥
♥ Water content: 42% ♥
♥ Diameter: 14mm ♥
♥ Base curve: 8.6mm ♥
♥ Duration: 1 year disposable ♥
When i first put them in, i couldn't see the colour immediately but when i'm near the natural
light you can really see the purple standing out. I think the colour really blends well with my
eyes and makes them look natural even though they are purple, haha.
Comfort: ♥♥♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
Couldn't feel a thing till 7 hours of wearing, comfort is always a plus for me if i can wear lenses
without irritation and all. so yeah 4 hearts for that. 

Enlargement: ♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
Not so much of a enlargement as you can see. Unfortunately i really prefer BIG lenses like 15 or 16mm, so these aren't fit for my likings.
But its perfect for natural looks!

Overall: ♥♥♥
giving it 3 hearts because i dont like 14mm size lenses.. but since these are my first pair of purple lenses i'm still glad i could wear them, cuz i always wanted to know how i'd look like with "funky" eye colours, LOL. 

So wanna buy them? CLICK HERE to buy them at Uniqso's awesome online circle lens store! 

Etude House - Eyelash 2.11 Under lash review

Ah i'm so happy that i finally expierenced the Etude House brand as well!
I've always been curious about their products and this really made me happy. 

Likes ♥
-Very cute packaging!
-Comes with glue (wich was not crappy as most glue you find with lashes xD)
-dries immediately
-clear lashband
-Easy to apply
-Lash was too long so i had to cut some ends off.
and thats it, haha!
i reaaallyy like these lashes, makes my eyes more dramatic, even with small lenses 

buy them HERE!
Etude house - Proof 10 auto pencil 05 Purple review
Wooop! never had purple eyeliner before so this is also a new expierence for me haha.
It's also very easy to apply and its way better then a normal pencil eyeliner where you have to sharp your pencil every time you want to use it. 

you can also sharp this pencil if you want to, with the special sharpener that is at the end of the pencil, but you dont have to. But it comes in handy for "sharper" looks haha.
Here is a picture of the sharper.
got it? good. Its not that hard isn't it ;D
I really prefer these kind of pencils cuz they last a long time, when you use them!
This eyeliner is also waterproof, i haven't tested that out yet, so sorry if i can't proof that ^^"
but i dont have any disbeliefs that it "wouldn't work" so go try out yourself if you want to ~
Hmm i also don't have anything bad to say about this eyeliner so go buy this awesome eyeliner HERE!

Well this was my 3 review in one post ~
Stay tuned for moaaar! 


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