
yes i am delaying again.. my sincerest apologies for that > <"
This post.. is not a review = = SORRY ..
just wanted to show you all my pretty curls that was done for new years day at Nick's place xD
but unfortunately it was all gone after one rainy wash 

oh how i hate sudden weather changes 

Aniways, how was every one's new year? :D
I had a blast and i wish i had better pictures of the fireworks i took Ox
so instead of those pics, i upload some pics i found on my mobile that were made a few months ago x'D
hope nobody minds haha!
i dont want to bore you with my camwhore shots all the time ^^"
so enjoy tha pics :3
[received one of my xmas gifts from Nick
the Bambi Princess Mimi Chocolate brown ~]

Hot choco with cool whip 

Hondje being cute 

A very expensive and awesome restaurant where my dad took me and Nick out for dinner :D
some badass cat on their car, staring at us from afar xD [lol why did it rhyme x'D]

Well that was it for this random post 

hope any one likes the pics haha! xD
Aniwoo, i'm gonna work on some of my reviews now xDD
have a nice day everyone ~

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