Hey guys! 

Well this post is about my new fave lenses i got from Uniqso.
The Macaron Puffy 3 tones Blue lenses ~
I actually ordered these a while ago that came along with the Kimchi Mio Grey lenses, but one lens was defected so i asked for a replacement lens. They said that the Puffy 3 tones blue were not available after a few months so they said they would send me the Natural 3 tones instead and send the Puffy 3 tones blue when it was available again.
So i received these lenses (wich i'm reviewing now) and thought that they looked exactly like the Puffy 3 tones blue and asked if it was true that they looked exactly like each other. Uniqso said that they did look the same and also had the same size. Lol i was really amazed about how they did looked like each other, even though i searched for a model picture to indentify the Natural 3 tones. Well the picture that i found didnt look like these lenses and also had a different size.. but i guess i had to believe them and was happy to know that they looked the same xD.
Aniways a week later (yesterday to be exact) another pair of lenses came in my mailbox that night that came from Uniqso as well.. I was really surprised and confused that they have send me two lenses and i wasn't sure wich lens i could expect. Well i found out that they have send me the real Natural 3 tones and that the lenses that i'm reviewing now, are the real Puffy 3 tones, cuz they looked totally different in colour and size from each other xD
Aniwaaays, i didnt have to wait a few months for receiving my puffy 3 tones, so i'm happy i got them now xD I will also review the Natural 3 tones tomorrow and i can surely tell you that there is a difference..

Oh and another small thing.. i dyed my hair again!

Its a pretty brown-red autumn like colour and i totally love it !

Its exactly like the colour on the box again and it also says on the packaging that it is an autumn-red colour. Got 2 boxes for €10,- at the Kruidvat xD hmm how i love sales

I really hope that it doesnt fade in one wash like the Palty Sakura Creamy did.. cuz else i'm deeply dissapointed
.. Even though i bought another box, i dont want to colour my hair again because it faded so fast..

aniwaays, enjoy the camwhore show, cuz its a lot of camwhore haha~

Same colour as on the box again 

Window light ~
With flash ~
Without and with lens / window light~
Close up lens~

The review


I lovelovelovelove this colour! Its the most real looking natural blue i've ever seen in a lens
and it blends perfectly with my eyecolour! 

I love how bright this colour is and it really stands out in my face rofl.



Okay first expierence with the other pair was a failure but this pair felt really comfortable and i could wear them for at least 6 hours or so. 




Mehh, this lens is just right, but i dont see many difference.




Adore the colour, adore the comfort and it still looks dolly with the right amount of make-up huhu
i deff recommend this for darkk eyess ~ cuz people will for sure notice your eyes with these lenses
(unless you already have blue eyes or something xD)

Check these lenses out > here <, if your interested 

Also a big THANK YOU to Uniqso for sending me this pair without the long wait

you should really check them out, the service is AMAZING 

If you live in Europe, you can really expect their lenses come fast to your house

And ohyeah the Give away is closed now!
Thankyou so much for entering this give away everyone!
I will make sure to announce the winner soon 

Have a lovely day everyone 


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