Hey guys!
OMGG i have reached 500 followers!!
thankyou all so much! can't believe i'm this farr omgwtf!

OMGG i have reached 500 followers!!
thankyou all so much! can't believe i'm this farr omgwtf!

Aniways after a long week of waiting i finally received my lenses and other stuff to review this week

The I.Fairy Keizen Blue lenses.

The day after that i will be reviewing the Puffy 3 tones brown again, because it was sponsored and because my other pair really hurt after a while.. so i hope these will give a better review then the other one lol.
Ohyeah i hope you all dont mind my messy hair today.. it was done with the hair-over-night curlers i bought from Shoppingholics, wich i will review as well xD
Aniwaaays on to the long picture and review show, hope anyone likes it 

natural light ~
with flash ~
with and without lens / natural light
Close up lens ~

The review


Colour and design: 



I adore this colour! At first it seemed like the colour didnt stood out that much in dark area's
but you can deff see the colour in daylight. What i like most about this colour is that it looks super natural! It blends perfectly with my eyes and its kind of the big version from the Natural 3 tones, wich is a big big plus! 




At first my right eye was a bit irritated putting them in, but after a few cleaning rubs, it felt normal.
These lenses are very comfortable for at least 5-6 hours, after that it can feel a bit dry, but it won't be a problem if you carry your eyedrops with you.



I love the enlargement of these lenses, not only do they look big, but it doesn't look like its over the top big. They really look naturally big! I also feel no difference with the 15mm's i have, so i'm major happy that i dont look like an alien lol.




REALLY happy with these! adore the colours, enlargement, comfort, just perfect to me!

Also a big thanks to Uniqso for receiving them after a week.

Interested? click HERE to take a look at them!

Well i hope y'all liked my review!
and oh,
I'm super-duper excited to have my first work-day tomorrow ~
time to earn some cash! yeaah.

lolol aniway have a nice week peoplee!!


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