O hai there! 

How is everyone doing?
I'm feeling very jolly , cuz many good things has happened today xD
I uploaded my pic for the contest the last day before they were anouncing the winners.
And i got chosen by random.org xD soo soo lucky! I won 2 pair of circle lenses , some lenscases and 3 x' mas gifts. Thank god for random generators xD
Then i found out that i was selected to be the 'Covergirl of the month' for J-style Corner on Fb as well.So they are using my pic as their profile pic lol! couldnt be any happier haha.

And the last thing that made me happy was, that Nick can visit me tomorrow because of our 2 year and 9 month anniversary " 3 " , at first my mom didnt want any visitors tomorrow but then i said that it was a special day. So eventually she said yes 

woohoo excited for tomorrow!!

I'm also still waiting for the thousand packages that still have to come that i ordered a while ago..
couldnt help myself to check the mail at my door every now and then, thinking that every newspaper that falls on the ground, could be one of my packages.. instead my dad got 2 packages today as well xD
Can't help it that i'm excited to try out these new lenses that i hope to receive this week..or hoping that they will come tomorrow...

Aniway sorry for happy-nonsense jibberjabbish!
I made a tutorial for the Icy and Cold winter that is coming out this way!
Not that it really helps against the cold, but its just an inspirational look from blue-ish ice and dark skies 

Hope you like it!

[click to enlarge]

[click to enlarge]

10.Fill in your waterline.

And finally apply your fake lashes.

need to cut my bangs again 

Soo i hope anyone liked the tutorial
Happy advance merry x'mas everybody!!

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