Hello guys! 
So me and Nick
had a little romantic trip to Breda (pronounce like: bray-dah lol) last friday and we had an amazing time, enjoying the beautiful view we saw there
I've never been there before and Nick wanted to show me how pretty it was and it looked really amazing, especially on this time of year when the leafs are falling and have its amazing colours
We stayed there from 13:30 pm till 6 pm and we walked all day long
(eventually we got really tired lol, but it was totally worth it
Aniways here are the pictures to show some proof how pretty it was there and i warn you
there are 91 pics in total, so sorry if it gets boring!
Going to the beautiful park <3
Pedobear scare, huhu.
Awesome named restaurant!
Lol a weird playground.
Awesome wall.
The Shoe tree!
The church~
Inside the store building~
Some weird sitting statue xD
Nintendo 3Ds lol.
Our balcony view from La Place.
Omnomnom Muffin!
White chocolate milk <3
Mommy and her little duckies~
so cute! <3
mommy duck~
Chicken-corn and what we call in dutch: Frikandel Speciaal~
Omnomnom fries!
Hehe so this was my long post ~
hope you all liked the pictures
And please join my give aways ~
click on the pictures to enter 
so, have a nice day everyone~