Hi guys!

And i'm back with another review today ~

sponsored by Eyecandy lens!

These are called the:
Royal Vision - Bella 4 tone Green
I've really delayed this post for awhile.. but also because of the many rumors that their lenses damages people's eyes..

I was scared to take a risk.. but i eventually did it aniway! cuz well.. i'd still feel bad to not try somebody's free lenses

Ohwell..If you want to know more then read on ~

Royal Vision - Bella 4 tone Green review
♥ Brand:Royal Vision ♥
♥ Origin: South Korea ♥
♥ Water content: 42% ♥
♥ Diameter: 14.5mm ♥
♥ Base curve: 8.6mm ♥
♥ Duration: 1 year disposable ♥

Natural day light.

With flash.

With and without lenses.

Colour and design: ♥♥♥♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
Wow i really like this color green

Comfort: ♥♥♥[♥♥♥♥♥]
Pretty sad to say that these are not as super comfortable as i thought they would be..

on the bright side they didn't hurt or damage my eyes ..
as what i was really scared of as well.

They just get dry pretty quickly after 3-4 hours or so.

Enlargement: ♥♥♥♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
Very nice and big enlargement! nothing bad to say about that ~

These are really gorgeous looking lenses! But for my eyes they dried out too quickly for my taste..

You know it, when you try them out yourself ~

Get these lenses HERE!

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