Hello hello!
OMG i'm so sorry for delaying this post for sooooo long. (more then a year.. = =)
Well editing the pictures did took me a long time, but it also took a long time to post.. = =
í'm sorry :C
but aniways, i'm glad i posted it now xD so that i get this off my chest as well hahaha.
Well i dont want to paste a whole story here, so everybody gets bored reading while there is actually a big photo post to watch xD (more then 100 pics ^^" enjoy xD)
So i try to make it less wordy as possible n__n
First off, my look for the first day.. xD
We went off on friday the 9th of March (2 days after our 3 year anniversary date)
and we stayed there for 3 whole nights and 4 days. We went back in the morning at the fourth day.

Day one ~
So we went to a vacation park called the Bospark 't Wolfsven in Mierlo, Noord-Brabant.
And we stayed in a vacation house called Type W6A on number 85.

how our whole little house looked like on the inside.

Living room.

Kitchen and stairs.

Our dining table (where we never ate lol)

Small hallway and bathroom on the right.

Bedroom on the left with 2 beds.

Stairs and big closet in the master bedroom.

Our unfinished beds. (lol)

Vieuw from our bedroom. (boring lol)

Second bedroom on the first floor with also two beds.

Second bedroom view. (looks better xD)

All the other houses ~

After a stroll in the evening we saw this cuteeee little kitty that followed us meowing for attention * ^*
Sooo we went back to get him some foood :D we named him/her Felix , cuz he looked like the cat in the commerical for cat food lol.

Unfortunately we didn't see Felix anymore after that night :c
But it was a cute memory to remind of hehe ~
Day 2 ~

[I love his expression here, so cuuteeeee >///<]

scumbag me omg haha ~

Day 3 ~
On the third day i took some pictures again of the environment and we ate pancakes at the restaurant ~

I'm not that good in poses.. lol

Best moment taken ever! hahaha!

major DERP hahaha.

nose..holes xD

[And some funny ducks just laying there.. lol]

And i'm thanking you for coming all this way down xD
I feel stupid for forgetting to post this after one year.. but uh yeah, better now then never i guess hahahaha.
I really hope to do this again this year! And since my hubby is getting a job soon we can hopefully go to the peacefull Ardennen again in summer. Can't waaait.
Hope you guys liked this MAJOR long and forever delayed post ~
have a nice day

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