Helloo to all readers

I really hope that i don't bore anyone with all the reviews that i post lately..

i promise when i'm done with all these damn reviews i will post something else, and hopefully interesting as well

So continueing.. the pair i'm gonna show you guys here are the I.Fairy - Casper Violet lenses!

After this one, i will review the Green pair ~ (wich i will hopefully post today as well.. otherwise it will be sunday..

Aniway, this is also sponsored by the lovely Uniqso!

lets start!

I.Fairy - Casper Violet review
♥ Brand: I.Fairy ♥
♥ Origin: South Korea ♥
♥ Water content: 55% ♥
♥ Diameter: 16.2mm ♥
♥ Base curve: 8.6mm ♥
♥ Duration: 1 year disposable ♥

Normal light.

With flash.

With and without lenses.

Another lovely design wich comes in purple/violet now!
this time the whole lens is almost filled with the violet colour with a bit of yellow on the innerside so it still blends with my own eyecolour. I think it looks really unique just like all the other pairs,
but ofcourse its not for "natural" days if you dont want to stand out with your eyes haha.

Comfort: ♥♥♥[♥♥♥♥♥]
Not for me if i want to wear this at work
but i'm just repeating everything since its just the same as all the other pairs 

Enlargement: ♥♥♥♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
Big and dolly for its awesome 16.2mm size

Overall: ♥♥♥
Loveee the colour, but since its not natural and comfy i won't wear this often unfortunately,

Interested ? get them HERE!

And yet another quick review post to end for the day ..

sorry for the boreness guys..

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