Hi guys

Back with another lens review + make-up tutorial!

This time i'm doing it about Ene from the anime Kagerou Project

Wich is also from Mekakucity actors. (Not sure if these are the same but, since all the characters look alike i'm just bringing it out there haha

I'm also competing in a contest organised by Uniqso!

It's about a creating a make-up tutorial for any character i could make or choose ~
So i chose Ene from Kagerou project. I really tried my best to make it easy for you guys so i hope you like it!

(even though i probably have no chance at all, i could still try though..)
And the lenses i'm going to show here are;
Dolly Eye - Twilight Blue
Also sponsored by Uniqso~

Dolly Eye - Twilight blue~
♥ Brand: Dolly Eye ♥
♥ Origin: South Korea ♥
♥ Water content: 38% ♥
♥ Diameter: 15mm ♥
♥ Base curve: 8.6mm ♥
♥ Duration: 12 months disposable ♥


With flash.

With and without lenses.

Colour and design: ♥♥♥♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
A very bright and pretty blue colour that really stands out and are perfect for Ene's eyes

I was trying to find the perfect blue color that would represent her eyes and i'm happy to say that i found it!

Comfort: ♥♥♥♥[♥♥♥♥♥]
Very good comfort, since i wore these lenses for 6 hours
(always apply eyedrops for more comfort~ )

(always apply eyedrops for more comfort~ )
Enlargement: ♥♥♥♥ [♥♥♥♥♥]
Very big enlargement since these are 15mm, they really make my eyes stand out and animated.

I really love these lenses, they are big and perfectly bright for Ene's eyes!

Want them? get them HERE!

Onto to the tutorial!
What i used here was:
-Essence eye primer
-Eyelash glue
-Essence liquid eyeliner
-Essence white eye pencil
-Eyeshadow brush
-Small eyeshadow brush
-Mini eyeshadow brush

[white eyeshadow]

[silver eyeshadow]

[dark silver eyeshadow]

[black eyeshadow]

[dark blue shimmery eyeshadow]

Hope you all liked my Ene tutorial!

please dont forget to vote HERE!

Have a nice week all ~
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