[Thranduil, king of the elves]
(I got really motivated to do this look since i'm sooo looking forward to the next Hobbit movie,
and i decided to look as close as the elven king Thranduil [picture below] And this was also the first time i used my studio light set with white background!


[We are as good as dead]

[Bitter cold nights]

[Part of nature]

School related
At school i had to do a presentation about a photo series i made for a project.

I showed this picture [below] and had to explain why i chose this theme and how i made it.
Well obviously i chose "Snow White" as my theme and used myself as all the characters.
I tried to copy my make-up and hair as snow white and kinda got overboard with the "Evil queen" make-up.

[The tale of snow white]

[Evil queen]

[Snow White]

[Poisoned Snow White]

[A wanted heart]


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