[Pastel Galaxy]
[Healing process]
Hi guys,
It's been awhile since i've written my last post.
Well it's almost been a month ago when i got out of the hospital and i'm happy to say that my skin has healed completely and that i can do the treatments that they teached me all on my own.
Well lots of things has changed into my life, especially my daily routine from now on.When i got out i got loooads and loooads of medication creams and bandage to bring home with me that's worth of 600-700 euro's.. mad expensive.... but i'm so happy that i got insurance for all of this, or else we couldn't even afford it.. = =
Since i had a break these few months because of my illness, i needed to create something again, and ofcourse when i was in the hospital i was sketching all my ideas for the Broken doll's series, but since my story itself could be interesting, i wanted to use that as a subject as well. Even though i'm not proud to have atopic eczema, i'm emberassed of it and i truly hate to be one of the million to have this disease. But i accepted it a long time ago that i can't change it and that i have to deal with this my whole life.
What you see in this picture is me wearing my (clean) bandage that i have to change and cut out myself every 2-3 days. I have this covered for my whole body. So i cut out the bandage for my legs, arms, feet and chest-stomach area. I also got special gloves to wear overnight or day.
In the beginning it was a lot of work and time to get used to this, but since i'm doing this for a month now, i can change myself in 15 min or less. Wich used to be 30-60 minutes before.
I have to apply 5 types of cream almost every day.
-Hormone cream
-Lichte(light) and donkere(dark) teerzalf (i dont know the english name for it > < but it's cream that stops the itching
and infection in the skin)
-Hormone cream for the face
-Moisturising cream
When i was in the hospital i used all 5 every day i was there.
But now that i'm home again i have to use less so my skin gets used to that routine as well.
The light and dark Teerzalf was used twice a day for my whole body, the hormone cream for places where it was infected and irritated the most and moisturising cream for whenever my skin felt dry.
My daily routine now consists only of hormone cream every 2 days and light Teerzalf twice a day, and the dark Teerzalf for red and irritated areas on days where i feel like applying it.
I'm all used to this now but ofcourse i'm still annoyed to get up even earlier in the morning to apply my cream before school, but i'm getting quicker in applying it, so it's not that of a disaster.
I also have check-ups where i have to go back to the hospital, at first it was once or twice a week, but since my last check-up the doctor was really positive about my results and said i did a good job taking care of it. So now i only have to go back once every 2 weeks, wich i'm really happy about since i have to travel 2,5- 3 hours to even get there! xO
I'm really happy how my skin is now and i hope to get off these bandages soon when summer starts xD for now it's okay since it's still winter and all, it feels cozy and warm when sleeping in my cold cold bed haha.
I also started again with my Broken Doll's series and i made my second picture last night! It's called "Pastel Galaxy" (first picture) and i wanted to make alien-ish bruised blue-lilac pastel girl with lots of glitter hehe. I'm gonna make more characters soon, but for now i felt like i had to do another galaxy themed thing.
I also got sponsored some new lenses, so there will def be more reviews in the future! ~
I hope to catch up with all the things i wanted to do haha.
Thank you for reading this far if you wanted to haha, hope you all have a lovely
valentines day!!